As always, woke up a lot of times during sleep. Seems like when I don’t take any meds I always have constant sleep interruptions.
While sleeping, someone started screaming very loudly and angrily outside. I couldn’t really hear exactly what they were saying, because I was in half asleep half awake state. Eventually I fell asleep again and had a dream that I went to window to look who was screaming and fell down. Luckily there was some building structure just under it and it caught me, and then I managed to get back inside with help of some stranger.
Rainy, windy and cloudy today. Basically perfect weather, although during winter I would prefer it to snow instead. Went to supermarket to buy some groceries, and enjoyed the weather for a while.
After a 2 week break, we went to gym today. Brother was recovering from surgery which is why we didn’t go for so long.
After swimming in the pool we went to a Georgian restaurant and ate some tasty things.

The moon was peeking out from time to time.
I fell asleep when I got home. At night, I felt quite manic but then got tired and went back to bed. It’s still raining and I’m just laying in bed thinking about constant movement of time.