Diary · Page 5

August 16, 2024

Woke up from grass being cut loudly. Since I only slept 6 hours, I tried to continue to sleep but failed. Then roommate came in and asked me to help him with his car, we moved it a bit and he took photos with damage and called someone. After that we came back to apartment and I went back to bed. Most of the day I felt really tired and anxious. It was also very hot today, with temperature reaching 34°C.

Did some fixes to Nekoweb and basically that’s it.




August 15, 2024

As expected, still nothing… 5 more days left with relative safety… Today sucked. Felt bad and anxious overall for the entire day.

Wasn’t productive much. ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

Spent most of the day trying to think of a good design for the Diary, but still haven’t came up with anything. I keep spending my time on bullshit that doesn’t matter.


August 14, 2024

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I’ve been doing nothing and then my brother called and told me that he’s coming over in a few hours. In mean time roommate came home and went into his room. Then my brother came over and visited roommate, but he wasn’t very talkative (even though they’re best friends) so we decided to go outside to a restaurant. My brother has a bike and we used it to get there.


We got to a pretty fancy restaurant and I ordered Tom Yang Kung, which I always wanted to try. I think that trying out food for the first time should always happen in best restaurants ever so you can actually taste how it should be at it’s peak. Because if you’ll have first bad experience you’ll probably say "I don’t like [food name]" for the rest of your life, even though you just got a bad version of it.

We talked about roommate a bit, apparently when he was supposed to run away, he actually went quite far (to Dnipro) but then he got into car accident and had to comeback. My brother said that he almost completely stopped talking to him and avoids him for some reason, and says that he seems to be suffering from depression. My brother has been trying to offer help and was nice to him but he seems to dismiss all of that. Because I almost never talk with my roommate, I don’t really feel anything about this situation, he’s still basically a stranger to me.

Then we talked about my current situation, and after that he told about his trip to Carpathians, in which he climbed the Hoverla, the highest mountain in Ukraine. The food was great. I ordered Tom Yang Kung and a steak while he ordered sushi.

photo photo

After a long chat and eating the food we had to start going because brother had to pick someone up.

photo Bikes are scary and cool.

Overall this was really nice. I really, really want to go outside more. Ever since this all happened my life kinda feels like it’s on pause. I can’t go outside much, and I can’t really do anything without thinking that it’s all pointless. I bought all these electronics thinking I’d spent this entire summer building some cool things, and just after I built my first actually useful thing (thermometer) this all happened… And after that I stopped doing any electrical stuff because it feels really pointless given ███████████████████████████████


August 13, 2024

Went outside for the first time in a week or so to get groceries. I miss being able to freely go outside. Even though before all this happened I didn’t go out much, sitting inside felt a lot better when you knew you can go out any time you want. █████████████████████████████ and it’s already August 13… This is getting worse and worse… ████████████████████████

Spent the day mostly doing nothing. Coded a fairly big update for OldTweetDeck fixing DM images, Like column and blocking of Twitter’s scripts. Last part was the most interesting one, I love patching into things so much.

My neck has been hurting constantly lately. Every time I get up on the computer it immediately hurts, so in the past week I was trying to have a perfect posture, but so far I don’t really feel anything except that today pain kinda changed into some different type. I hope my body is restructuring into healthy posture again and it hurts because of that… Or it’s more likely that it’s already too late and I got my kyphosis too bad. It’s hard for me to even know if good posture I’m doing is actually good. It feels kinda impossible to have a good posture now.

Roommate asked to lend him 1000 UAH until next month, hmmm.

August 12, 2024

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Man I can feel something terrible slowly approaching.

Today was an unproductive day. Didn’t really do anything productive or interesting. ████████████████████████████████████

August 11, 2024

I often wake up with anxiety for no reason. Well, sometimes there is a reason and sometimes there isn’t. But every time I wake up with it, I never know what caused it until around midday (if I ever find out why). This time I realized that I’m getting scared of █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ Everything is so scary…

████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████. At the moment I’m done with all commissions. Finally table is all green in DONE column! Not sure what I’m gonna do tomorrow, either just rest or start coding the Diary.

I recently got an idea for trading bot, ███████████████████████████████████████████████. Maybe will soon try the theory in practice soon (almost definitely gonna fail like all the attempts back in times).

Yesterday I found that Hawaii-Japanese video that was lost and I’m really happy. Apparently it was made in 1982, because one of the people talked about being 73 and I could find their name and date of birth. They died in 90s, like other person in the video… I’m absolutely terrified of aging.

August 10, 2024

Woke up, made breakfast. Still watching Night in the Woods letsplay to see everything that was missed in normal play.


Spent most of the day coding ████████████████. Pretty interesting commission, I really like coding function proxies and injecting into deep parts of scripts. Something about it feels hackery and cool. Somehow only quite recently I learnt of prototype injection, even though that sounds pretty essential for type of stuff I’m constantly doing.

Now that ████████████████ is done I can finally move onto coding Diary, right?? Right?? Nope, I just got another commission. AND IT’S REALLY BORINGGGG. And I also need to do it tomorrow, can’t postpone it like this one. ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

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August 9, 2024

Today I woke up from roommate’s sister walking around. I have no idea what she’s doing here, as I didn’t dare to speak to her. For some reason she was cleaning the apartment. After some time… roommate came in… noooo… I thought I’m finally going to live alone but I guess not then. Genuinely sad. I had to wait in my room until they left to get water. Given the cleaning, I’m almost certain roommate will continue to live here and didn’t just comeback temporarily.

Last night I was thinking of improving workflow for diary. Making it as simple as possible is the most important thing in continuing writing it. If I didn’t work on making my mood tracker and photo album so easy and nice to use they would get abandoned within a week.


I think I finally figured out how public I want the diary to be. I want to have a public page with the diary and have censored parts using || symbols, like spoilers on Discord. Only I would be able to see what’s behind censored parts.

I still have a commission to do, so I guess after I’m done with it I’ll start coding the Diary. I was thinking of making a fancy page like photo album, but that probably wouldn’t work well with ease of use on mobile, so I’ll either make it like a SCP foundation copy (cuz of censors) or just like blogger blog from 2012 (more probable).

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Switched OldTweetDeck to Manifest V3 today. I was scared it would require recoding everything and hosting things on my server, but this time I’m better at coding extensions and using MAIN world for content scripts allowed me to avoid a huge headache.

End of the day was spent absolutely rotting.

August 8, 2024: Start of something new

I’m really dissatisfied with my writing. Something is missing in it, it’s bland and unnatural, unlike other things I’m reading. Of course, English is not my first language and it might be normal that I’m not the best at writing in it, but still, I want to be better. I want to try writing a diary. Like any others, I’m almost definitely gonna abandon i a few days… or even a day. Worth a try though.

I think the key to actually continuing writing a diary is writing things you’re actually interested in. But for some reason, I feel like there’s always someone’s reading and judging me, even if I’m writing this just for myself. Maybe I’ll share these for everyone to see in the future, I’m still not sure how public I want to be with this.

Now that prelude is done, time to talk more about actual day.

2 days ago my brother called me and said that my roommate is going to run away and start a new life. I didn’t really pay attention to it, and thought that with 99% chance he’ll be back, but it’s been 2 days and I’m still alone. And I’m glad. It’s not like he’s a bad person or anything, I just can’t do anything when someone else is looking at me, this means I can’t go outside to eat, drink water, go outside, anything while he’s in the main room of the apartment. The only thing I’m worried about is that if I’ll stay here I’ll need to pay electricity bills and I have no idea how to do that. ███████████████████████ it won’t matter, so we’ll see how it goes.

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Today was a pretty useless day. Woke up, and fixed OldTweetDeck and OldTwitter retweet issue. Finished watching Night in the Woods. Man, it’s such a good game. The locations there just hit me so hard, they’re incredibly niche and weird, but it feels like creators had the same interests and feelings as I do, and it never feels like anyone understands how deeply they resonate with me. The fields and electrical towers in the background, endless parking lot, power grids, roofs. It’s all just so dear to me, I feel like playing this game so long ago really shaped me into who I am today. Living in the fields and Rain World speaking of them too only strengthened the love.


I think I’m done with writing for today, hopefully I’ll be back tomorrow.


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