Diary · Page 3

January 16, 2025

Dad picked me up and I went to the optics. They checked my eyes again and got me the contact lenses.

Ooough, I struggled a lot to put them on. Didn’t really manage to do it without doctor’s help, while taking them off was easy. In the end she helped me to put them on again and brother picked me up and we went home.

The world in 4K is so beautiful. My eyes weren’t really used to lens, so I still felt a bit uncomfortable and kept crying. But it mostly subsided in the end.



Tags: #out

January 15, 2025

Went outside and ate Carbonara.



Then went to the anime shop and bought the best backpack in the world.


And called Taxi and went to vision clinic to check if I can undergo eye laser surgery. Went through a ton of tests, and finally saw the balloon thing for the first time in my life (even though I didn’t understand what exactly it was for).


After all the tests, doctor told me that I’m still pretty young and shouldn’t do it yet. She told me to start wearing contact lenses or glasses and comeback in 6 months and check if my eyesight is still at the same level.

Kinda disappointed. My eyesight seemingly haven’t really changed for the past like 6 years. But at the same time, I’m still kinda scared to do it so I guess if they made me not do it then I won’t push through it.

Went to the closest optics and asked for contact lenses. They told me to get checked by their own doctor (despite me already having huge detailed analysis of my eyes), and told me to come tomorrow. Ok. Went home.

Tags: #out #food

January 14, 2025



I’ve decided to do laser eye surgery. I want to have good sight when I start traveling and enjoying the world. Scheduled an appointment in a clinic.





Then we went to gym. After gym we ate at restaurant and I went home.


Coded some fixes and then just chilled and watched Jet Lag The Game. █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████


Is this what they call life?

Tags: #out #food

January 13, 2025


Went to Georgian restaurant.


Georgian food is so good. Found Miku bag in a shop, but didn’t buy it because felt like I’d be too embarrassed to wear it. It’s really cute though, maybe I will buy it later.


Talked to brother about what happened. Watched Jet Lag The Game with him. Then coded █████████████████████████████████████



Tags: #food

January 12, 2025

Woke up from a dream with ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████


Parents called me telling they’ll come and visit me and see the apartment for themselves. I got up and cleaned it a little, and then they came over. As expected, they liked it just like I did. We then went to shop for more stuff that I need.

Before going to shopping we went to eat and bought Kebabs. ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

Went to bazaar and bought a rug to be under my chair, so that it doesn’t move as easily. Then went to █████████████ and bought a ton of stuff, some for me and some for them. It started snowing.


I bought stuff for kitchen, a vacuum robot, a soft chair thingy, a dryer, and a bunch of more lil things. After that went to █████████████ and bought bedsheets and food.

Then we went to parents home.


This is the most perfect time of the day. I love when it’s snowing and sky is blue like this. It’s only happening briefly when sun is already about to set.

We sorted what we bought, and unpacked things I bought for parents while leaving what I bought for myself in the car. I walked for a bit on the street and suddenly my cat saw me and came to me. We then walked a bit more with him on my hands.





After eating, my brother brought me back home. We set up the roomba and kept getting shocked that alien technology like this even exists. It first scanned the entire apartment and then I made it clean it, which it did in about a hour.

Got my soft chair thingamabob in front of the panorama window. It’s really the perfect place to sit with a laptop and enjoy the view.


Brother left me and I hopped on my computer. The chair I bought 2 days ago is kinda bad after all. It’s not very comfortable to sit straight and it makes my hands not being able to be in proper position for typing. Uguu…

Just watched YouTube and coded bot. Then showered, felt lonely and sad, and went to sleep.

January 11, 2025


Unpackaged my bags of clothes and other stuff. Went to supermarket with brother and then ate Carbonara.


Got home and rested. Unpacked my computer bags.


Not as cozy as my previous setup, that’s for sure. The desk is also too high. It’s not comfortable for me to place hands on it.


Made peak food, coded the bot a bit, rested and went to bed.

Tags: #out #food

January 10, 2025

Woke up feeling rested yet really sleepy. Checked the clock - it was 9 AM, meaning I slept for 8 hours. For the first time in a long time.

It’s a very nice feeling knowing you don’t have to go anywhere and you’re in apartment all for yourself. Nobody to bother you. I took my time and then went outside to get breakfast. Now restaurants are super close to me, so I won’t have to order food much.


Spent the time in bakery writing diary page for yesterday. Croissants were really good.

Went back home and got a message from ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████





Brother came to me and I explained to him the situation. We were both not sure what to do. Suddenly it started to snow a lot.


The panorama windows are sooo beautfiul in this apartment. I would just lay on floor and look at the snowfall for a while if we didn’t have to go do more shopping and moving.


We went to finally buy a chair. Purchase succeeded this time and we then went to shop for food and other necessities. After that we came back to apartment and brought the chair and stuff in. Roommate finally came over too and we just talked and ate for a while.

Then we had to go back to my apartment to bring the rest of the stuff. █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

We then prepared my bed. Fluffy soft sheetssss.


I showered for the first time in the apartment and went to bed.


January 9, 2025: Move

█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ Initiated withdrawal of money on some website.

Walked to the apartment and met brother and realtor. Had to wait for a while for person with keys to show up, and then we were in the apartment.






We started to look at every lil broken thing in it, to document everything so that it doesn’t get blamed on me. The owner is sadly too perfectionist. Even the tiniest scratch makes her a bit mad, so I fear that living with landlord like that might suck.

Then, I got the contract. Read everything, it was fine. Signed it. Paid for everything. Got keys. It’s mine now!

Had to hurry to the exchanger before it closed. When we got there, we realized that the door was closed and had a notice on door saying that exchanger is closed. We got confused for a bit, and thought that I got scammed or that we came too late.

But then we noticed that there’s a button nearby the door. We pressed it, and a girl answered asking us what we came here for. We got stunned, but told that we are here to exchange money. She asked who we came here. More confusion. I checked the message I got from the site. It told to tell that we came to Angelina. We told her that we came to Angelina, and the door opened. Crazy level of conspiration. The interior looked like a common bank.

She then asked who initiated the exchange. The thing is, I used some extremely dumb username on the site like «aueaaeauo» and I had to say that IRL, and while I was doing it we all started to laugh. Then she put the money in counting machine, and I finally received my cash. We recounted it and went out.


We then went to buy a chair, but couldn’t do it because I didn’t have UAH cash and they didn’t have a banking terminal, and they told us to come tomorrow when they get a terminal.

We were hungry, so we made a plan to order food to my new place and invite my roommate there to eat and show him the new apartment. We called him and ordered Sushi. After a little while, he came, but apparently he was busy with something so we had to put Sushi in the fridge and come with him to help him with car and also carry my stuff.

We came to my old apartment, my brother helped him with car while I started taking my stuff to bags. I don’t have that much stuff. All my belongings could be fit in 5 bags. We took around 3/4 of everything and brought it to the new apartment, and decided to get the rest tomorrow. Finally got to eat food. Roommate didn’t join us because he wasn’t in the mood.


After a bit of unpacking and talking, brother went home. Just like my first move, felt really melancholic. Maybe a bit lonely. But eventually I fell asleep.

January 8, 2025

Proper gym time after a while. Got told that I’ll only get keys for apartment tomorrow. ██████████████████████████████████████ After gym, we went to a cool fancy restaurant.





After we ordered food, I checked my phone and ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████




Probably was the fanciest restaurant I’ve been yet. Got Risotto and Duck with pear. Everything was really good.


Got home and fell asleep for a hour. ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

January 7, 2025

Brother came over and told me we should go to gym. I just woke up so I told no. He kept insisting, but eventually gave up.

Felt tired for the entire day, yet still managed to be productive. ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

January 6, 2025

Didn’t take much time between me getting up and me being driven to the apartment.

Took a short drive, and arrived to the building, where we met the realtor. After a short talk and ride on the elevator, we were in.

The apartment looked great! I was definitely not disappointed in it. Pretty much the same as it was on the photos. And what’s important, it actually has a computer table, although it’s on the balcony. But overall I really liked it.


With not much hesistation, I said that I want to rent it. The realtor videocalled the owner and gave her phone to me. The owner was suprisingly an older lady. For some reason, because apartment looked modern, I expected the owner to be young too, but I guess not.

She told me that the previous tenant was awful, kept partying and inviting people and drinking, and she had to order cleaning service and fix a bunch of things. She was suspicious of me, and hoped that I wasn’t like this too. She said that she wants that the apartment would get checked every month, which kinda sucks. I understand her, but I for sure don’t like the prospect of being monitored this often. But I guess it is what it is.

So it looks like I’ll be moving in in 2 days! Moving all my stuff will for sure be annoying, but whatevs. After this, we went to the restaurant.


Had a long chat with brother and dad there. ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

Got home when it was already dark. It was really cold outside.

█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ Still feeling sad because of what happened.

Tags: #out #photos

January 5, 2025

Tomorrow I’ll finally visit the apartment I want to rent!



January 4, 2025


What a shit start to the year.


January 3, 2025

Felt very sad and anxious for the first part of the day. Brother left job early, and came over and told me that we should go to gym today. I didn’t sleep enough, so I was really sleepy and told him that I’m gonna sleep more and we should go at our usual time.

Then he went out to do whatever he needed to do, while I did my usual morning routine (and didn’t sleep since), and then got up and started my day.

Continued being sad for the most part. At 6 PM brother called me telling me to get ready, so after 5 minutes I was in the car going to the gym. ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████



Moon was looking sharp today, with Venus behind. It was snowing a little bit.

We went to the pool today. After swimming for a bit, we finally decided to go to the "hot area", which includes hot tubs kinda stuff.

We went inside the Jacuzzi. It was my first time ever, and it was for sure great to chill after all the anxiety.

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After that we went into Finnish Sauna and then went for some other things I forgot name of. It was really really nice, especially given that I was feeling anxious before.

When we came back from the gym, we found a surprise on our car 🐈 🐾


We didn’t even bother cleaning it. Went to a restaurant after.




Fancy steak presentation. My phone got to 0% battery at this point. Talked more about ██████████████████████, and then I went home. Got onto my computer and ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████


It was snowing at night.

January 2, 2025

Woke up barely sleeping and feeling very anxious.


█████████████████████████████ Entire day was filled with sadness and anxiety. ██████████████████████████████████████████████

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