Diary · Page 9

October 18, 2024

Sent the commission. Started coding Bluesky crossposter, and while coding it I realized that you can actually set any date you want, so I imported all of my tweets into Bluesky.

After importing them all, I stwrt coding actual crossposting but then hit a rate limit… Apparently you can only create 100 sessions per day, and I was supposed to save the credentials. So I can’t work on it further until tomorrow, which is very frustrating.

Decided to play Yume 2kki since didn’t have anything to do otherwise. Did a pretty beautiful expedition to Wind Turbine Plateau.






After that we started preparing to get more endings.




Got ending #2 and #3. One of them is falling down the stairs and other one is going back and kicking the stairs off lol.

To get ending #4 you need to get at least 500 wallpapers and I only have 270, so that’s not happening for a while. Went back to cozy room and ended the play.


Tags: #yume2kki

October 17, 2024

Ughhhh, I keep waking up randomly and not able to sleep after for a while!!! So annoying… Today I went to sleep at 3 and woke up at 7. I couldn’t fall asleep until 9 and then slept until 11:40. Didn’t feel rested at all.

Set up stuff for more customers and I think fixed FTP on Nekoweb. Went through uexpress issues and PRs. Everyday I get a ton of new work somehow, it really feels like a job at this point.

Went to hospital and got my blood analysis result. As I expected, 2 things were out of norm - a little bit too high cholesterol and too low vitamin D. Also told her everything that bothered me and got appointments to neurologist, traumatologist, dermatologist and urologist. Telling her some things was for sure very embarrassing… Also gonna do ultrasonography of my kidneys. All gonna happen on Monday. Got prescribed Magnesium B6 and vitamin D3 and bought them on the way home.

Basically finished commission. Only packing and final stuff is left and can send it.

Today’s expedition is 0 EXP, but since they’re a good way to find interesting stuff, we went to complete it anyway.



Peculiar room:



Apparently this room is important for an ending.

Went to a wrong world, but it was one-way. Since expedition is free, we’ve decided to just continue exploring this world instead of trying to get back.



I really like pipes.



A very inviting path.



In the end we’ve got to a very cozy room and decided to suddenly abrupt our play for today.


It was already quite late and this room made me want to go to bed, so I did.

Tags: #out #yume2kki

October 16, 2024

Got a call from hospital, my blood analysis result is ready, so I scheduled an appointment for tomorrow.

Went through some of the issues reported in Ultimate Express: TypeScript support and async error handling.

Spent the rest of the day coding commission. This is my first time making actual program. I’m using Electron and it’s a pretty good experience. I finally figured out how to draw on screen! Apparently everything is done with windows, drawing on top is just creating a transparent window that’s click-through. Reading pixels from screen was annoying. I had to switch through 3 libraries until I finally made it work, because some libraries didn’t work with monitors and others didn’t want to work with Electron version I’m using. I had to downgrade Electron to few year old version and recode some parts, because otherwise shit just didn’t want to work.

I was given a month to finish this commission, but I might finish it tomorrow.

For some reason, like every month my neighbors upstairs just laugh non-stop for a hour at like 1-2 AM. I still have no idea what’s going on there, it’s really non-stop and I don’t know how they don’t run out of air. I’m not entirely sure that it’s a laugh too, but it does sound most similarly to that.

Tags: #code

October 15, 2024

Finally slept enough… I really always wake up at 10-11 AM, no matter what. I went to sleep earlier today, so I got enough sleep.

In last 3 days there has been suddenly a large increase of new Nekoweb users, apparently caused by Kyle’s view on AI. To be honest, it’s quite overblown, but more Nekoweb users is good, so I’m happy with that I guess.

Because of the influx, there has been more bugs reported than usual, so spent some time fixing them.



In this Yume 2kki play, we somehow got a huge amount of people following us. Somehow meowparty keeps growing and getting more and more people with each time.


Went to a location that kept reminding me of OneShot all the time. Specifically the city.





On the top of a giant factory there’s a view at Saturn, which we all howled at. It’s a known fact that wolfs actually howl at Saturn, not Moon!


Cozy secret-ish room.

After that location there hasn’t really was anything of note. While being in real room, suddenly something extremely weird happened, I saw someone go through the door! I got so confused that I thought it was a bug or something, and that person suddenly went back inside and then went to bed, and I called meowparty to follow them. We got to Nexus and asked them if they actually went through the door, and apparently they actually did! You have to get all endings to do it. Now I have a goal to do in Yume 2kki and I started by getting Ending #1.

Spoilers ahead:

Apparently you have to go to the Trophy room and put down all your items. After that you pinch your cheeks to wake up. I didn’t know that before, but you can also pinch cheeks even while awake, and apparently you have to do it again to trigger the ending.


Getting this ending unlocks a much nicer Album view.


Seems like this is the place from yesterday, just as beautiful as last time!


I love arts from this artist. I tried searching for them, and their username is apparently 水利, but unfortunately they seem to not have any public presence (or just don’t use that nick anywhere else). Quite sad.

Tags: #yume2kki

October 14, 2024

Going to hospital soon and will get my guts scanned so I can’t eat today until I get that done. I’ve wanted to get checked at hospital for so long, and it’s finally happening.

Let’s see what I have to complain about:

  • Dark spots at my back
  • Intercostal neuralgia
  • ████████████████████
  • Kyphosis
  • Clubfoot
  • Feet are constantly cold from not enough blood circulation
  • Anxiety
  • Increased heartbeat
  • Check vitamins

Well, I got my stomach checked and got blood analysis. Stomach was fine, and I will know about blood analysis result in 2-3 days. This is gonna be the most detailed analysis of my blood in my entire life. But I wanted to complain to them about other things but she didnt really let me. I hope I’ll be able to the next time…

Since I didn’t eat anything before going there, I was super hungry, and we went to some place and got biggest burgers of our lives. Got so full I felt like I’m gonna die. This is kinda why I don’t really like burgers, they’re messy, they’re fast to eat, and you don’t feel satisfied from eating them. I much more like other food that is slower to eat.


At least the atmosphere of that place was nice, brick walls and Frank Sinatra playing.


There has been so many times when I was in a restaurant and thought to myself "this place would be so much better if there was jazz playing". For some reason almost all restaurants play some modern, unmatching to their atmosphere music, and it’s very annoying.

October 13, 2024

Felt anxious and sad for the entire day. Cried to beautiful and sad Ukrainian songs…



For some reason, this weekly expedition in Yume 2kki was extremely easy. Got to the world and continued exploring it. Found a pretty cozy apartment building.


Somewhere along the way we found Deluxe Mask Shop, which actually basically has free masks as you’re given money if you go to a secret corner of the room.


I looked up mask list and saw a cute mask that I wanted to get, so I’ve decided to go to Cotton Candy Haven.

There’s a secret in Dark Room cinema, which allows you to fall asleep and wake up in incredibly cozy Snowy Forest.




Given that this location has absolutely perfect time of day that I love irl, it immediately went straight to the top of my favorite locations list. Incredibly cozy. You have to climb a mountain to find awesome cozy building.



Interior of the building is also very nice:


The building has 9 floors with each having it’s own small quirk. On top of the building there’s another very cool room:


You can climb the ladder and…


This place!!! I’ve been looking for this place ever since I’ve started playing this game. It might be my top 1 now. I’ve seen screenshot of it before somewhere but I never truly knew if it’s actually from Yume 2kki or from some other game, and I’m so happy that it’s from here, and in such amazing path too!


I’m really taking a lot of inspiration from this game. Lowkey taking notes for what I want in my game when I’ll start making it.


Cotton Candy Haven was nothing that special.


After unlocking the mask, we got to Infinite Library, that unlocked a shortcut from Library. There’s a lullaby playing inside, and you have to go in direction where it becomes more quiet, until it becomes static and you end up in a creepy mirror room, that takes you to Static Noise Hell.



After we unlocked a shortcut to Snowy Forest, we found a secret room, that has a sitting Urotsuki in it. If you sit back-to-back, you can start controlling her, while you disappear yourself. After that you suddenly wake up.


After this great journey, we went to Rainy Apartments, because there was an expedition to vending machine in night city world.


Looks like Marijuana Goddess World has highest concentration of great worlds so far, with 3 of them being in it.

Tags: #yume2kki

October 12, 2024

Went to supermarket and bought a ton of tasty treats in anticipation of Yume 2kki today.


Ever since I started going to gym/pool, I’m not really productive anymore… Well it also mostly coincided with me being done with libraries, but also I generally feel like I don’t have time/energy to do things for some reason. I’ve slept for 3.5 hours during day time again, and now I feel like it’s too late to be productive again… So I keep postponing my uni assignments. I’ve been so tired all the time that I even missed writing diary entries multiple times in past week, and had to write them for a day before multiple times now, even though I was perfectly writing them every day before.

Quite a long Yume 2kki session today. Met some random person again and explored random worlds.






You can take the present for some interaction only by killing this creature, but I just couldn’t… especially given that it starts looking at you and going back slowly when you pick up the chainsaw…

Tags: #yume2kki

October 11, 2024

Tried idea with declarative routes a bit more but I realized that it’d only work with ETag disabled in a lot of cases, and it wouldn’t work with if methods are patched, which you can’t really check, so unfortunately it looks like this feature can’t be done. 😔

Brother came over and we started going to the gym, but first went to buy shoes. Saw a cool liminal room:


Today we only went to pool, as we had a free training from a trainer. This was more intense than I expected, and after a hour of training we were quite tired, and decided to go somewhere to eat. There was some place near gym that we were a bit interested in, but we kept being undecideful whether we wanted to go there or not, until we finally decided that we want, but when we went inside it was apparently full. Weirldy that place was serving kinda specific food, and at the same time it was big, so we were surprised that it was actually full.

Went to some other random place instead and got steaks and other stuff:





My brother is always unlucky with what he orders, for some reason his orders are almost always less tasty than mine. We got 2 different steak types and my steak was significantly better.

October 10, 2024

So painfully sunny today, I once again can’t do anything but rot in bed. I really need better window blinds…

I fell asleep while waiting for sun to go away, and woke up at 9. I’m being quite lazy lately, I really need to start doing my uni assignments but I don’t want to… While reading uWS examples I’ve noticed that it’s possible to create declarative routes, which don’t need to call into JS code at all! So I’ve got an idea that if route callback is simple enough it’s possible to create a declarative route from it, and started coding it at night. This is very difficult. I have to use JS tokenizer and parser, which is really complex.


Tags: #code

October 9, 2024: Cassette stand

We were traveling through the USA when we stopped at a strange, deserted gas station. It had a weird minigame: after paying for gas, you earned a «gift point» and could throw a disk at a cassette stand. Whatever cassette you hit, you could take with yourself. The person working there warned us only to play if we had gift points.

After I paid for gas, I gave it a try and ended up with some unremarkable cassette I didn’t pay much attention to. Then, for some reason, my friend decided to throw a disk too, even though he hadn’t bought any gas.

As he threw it, I noticed that the spot he was aiming for held these strange, empty-gray cassettes. I yelled for him to stop, but it was too late. As the disk sailed toward the stand and my friend realized something was wrong, he closed his eyes, trying to not see what he had hit.

The moment the disk struck one of the gray cassettes, he was violently pulled toward the stand with a huge force. In the impact, it seemed like he glimpsed what cassette he had gotten, but before I could reach him, he simply vanished — gone without a trace.

I was hit with a sudden wave of anxiety — and then I woke up. I was not able to sleep for a while after, despite only sleeping for 3 hours.

It’s really weird because before this, it was a pretty long and uneventful dream and I had been travelling with him for a while in it.

Law got accepted!!! Now just needs to be signed by president!

Haven’t really done anything productive today. Went to gym and finally went to pool for the first time. When going to gym I realized that my intercostal neuralgia is almost definitely caused by physical activity / muscle growth in chest. I was suspecting this years ago, and now when I didn’t have any pain for months and suddenly having it exactly when started going to gym just proves it. I told this my brother any finally I signed up to get medical check-up at hospital.


Got really tired after gym and pool. Read SCP-8980, and just… wow. This is the most fucked up thing I’ve read in SCP so far. And I’ve never even seen content warnings in SCP before, it was this bad. But the story and writing itself is amazing.

October 8, 2024

Spent the whole day rotting in bed. ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

October 7, 2024

Didn’t do anything in the first half of the day. Went to gym today, and got to took a better look at the fields:



I really like it when dense city suddenly turns into fields without any suburbs.

We got too tired after gym to go to the pool…



Went home and fell asleep until 1:30 AM. ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

October 6, 2024



Just chilled at home, not doing much. Sadly it stopped raining when I finally woke up (as always), so I didn’t get to sit in cozy place.




Someone reported a bug in Nekoweb with git repo creation. For some reason pre-receive hook that I’ve made to prevent symlinks from being pushed was rejecting even repos with simple files. I started debugging it, and was trying to get the log from command by saving it to file, to check what file was causing it to fail, but for some reason, my file was simply never being created. So for some reason pre-receive hook just failed without running any code inside, yet if I removed it, everything was working fine again. It was extremely confusing, and I tried so many random things but just couldn’t make sense of why this is happening.

When I opened pre-receive file in nano, I’ve noticed that it said «DOS mode» for 1 second on open, and got curious what exactly that meant, and it just meant that file used CRLF newlines. I converted file to use LF… and it worked… After so many hours it was caused by this dumb thing that didn’t even require changing any code at all. And I couldn’t find the bug in git because it ignores newlines.

You might wanna say that git automatically converts files to use LF, and you’d be right. But I actually had to disable this like half a year ago when I added Git server to Nekoweb, because for some reason it caused issues with files in users repos.

As always, more Yume 2kki. Went on another pretty long expedition to Dragon Statue World.

Found another cozy sewers world:


There’s a secret room in it, with very beautiful music and a humble inhabitant in there:


Most notable discovery was a huge shortcut that unlocks between Library and Memory Garden, and it has this, extremely cozy room:

image (17).png

I love hot water pipes and warm orange color lights. What’s kinda crazy is that I had sort of revelation yesterday, and tweeted this:


Literally predicted what I would find in Yume 2kki.

List of my favorite places so far:

  1. Sewers (Marijuana Goddess > Dark Room > Sewers)
  2. Secret Society (i forgor)
  3. Memory Garden (Library > Memory Garden)
  4. Rainy Apartments
  5. Pillar in Amoeba Woods (Keyboard > Amoeba Woods)
  6. Secret Room in Silent Sewers
  7. Fairy Tale Woods (i forgor)
  8. Data Stream (i forgor)

October 5, 2024

Body still hurts! Did I train this well? I thought I was slacking off.

Dad called me today and asked me if I want to visit them and I agreed. It’s been more than a month since my last time.

He picked me up and on the way we went to supermarket and bought tasty treats. █████████████████████████████████

███████████████████████████████████████████████████ I’ve had some really nice chats with dad. ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

Dad keeps working, even though he’s kinda suffering from some health issues. We want him to go get checked but he wants to finish some work before doing it, and he’ll need to leave home for about 10 days for it, and after that hopefully he’ll be able to do it.

Fixed some bugs in uExpress and uWS and posted about uWS publicly. Switched Nekoweb to use uWS and all of my other sites and services. YeahServer was on average using 4% CPU and it went down to 1.5% after switch to uExpress, and that’s actually super cool.

Played Yume 2kki, we went through a pretty long expedition, which required a pretty clever 'hack’. The path required Drum to pass, but at the same time required you to not have it. Apparently if you make Drum your Favorite effect, you can equip it even after you remove it in trophy room. This allowed us to pass and get to the destination - Floating Brain World. It has another puzzle that requires some weird shenanigans, and that would unlock way to apparently the deepest world of Yume 2kki. But we stopped here as it’d require quite a lot of time and we got tired already.

Tags: #out #yume2kki

October 4, 2024

Wow, my body actually hurts after gym. I thought at gym that I didn’t really do that much so nothing will hurt, but nope! That’s a good sign.

Continued coding UltimateWS today. Well, I finished it. To implement createWebSocketStream I literally copy-pasted file from ws repo and it worked. That’s even more satisfying than when external things that rely on your library start to work, since usually internal implementation is very different.

Since both UltimateExpress and UltimateWS are done, I was finally able to migrate my website fully to use these libraries! It was annoying, boring and tedious. It’s genuinely crazy how large and complex my website is, and it has such a ton of actual tech debt. In a fucking personal website.

And what’s crazy is that uWS worked almost off first try with my chat and Grillbys. The only thing that needed to be fixed is a check for isBuffer. Migrating to uExpress revealed another bug in it, with trailing slashes, and it has been also successfully squashed.

Now I’m finally free from coding these things… probably… there’s almost definitely gonna be a lot of bugs I’ll need to fix, but it’s better than having to actively code it. I’ll continue switching my projects to my libraries.

It’s really cool to think that you’re actually using your own HTTP and WS servers. Well, ofc the real magic is in uWS, but still, it’s a lot of work to make it all work nicely.

Tags: #code
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