Woke up too early today, and couldn’t go back to sleep for a while. Just as I was about to fall asleep, brother called me telling he’ll come in 5 minutes, so I had to get up.

Talked about me wanting to move to different apartment with brother. We’ve decided to call the number for some interesting apartment listing we found, and she sent me a bunch of options. One of the options is really good. I liked it a lot and it might also not get power outages too. But it seems that the person in it is still in process of moving out, so it might take a few days, and it’s still not guaranteed. I really hope I’ll be able to get the apartment, so far it’s the only one that I actually liked.




Coded site statistics for Nekoweb. At end of the day felt ‘manic’ for the first time in weeks. Since I’m almost done with Zoloft, I’m finally not feeling constantly tired, and I got my life dreaming and motivation back too. Fuck SSRIs man.