Diary · #food · Page 2

January 8, 2025

Proper gym time after a while. Got told that I’ll only get keys for apartment tomorrow. ██████████████████████████████████████ After gym, we went to a cool fancy restaurant.





After we ordered food, I checked my phone and ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████




Probably was the fanciest restaurant I’ve been yet. Got Risotto and Duck with pear. Everything was really good.


Got home and fell asleep for a hour. ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

January 3, 2025

Felt very sad and anxious for the first part of the day. Brother left job early, and came over and told me that we should go to gym today. I didn’t sleep enough, so I was really sleepy and told him that I’m gonna sleep more and we should go at our usual time.

Then he went out to do whatever he needed to do, while I did my usual morning routine (and didn’t sleep since), and then got up and started my day.

Continued being sad for the most part. At 6 PM brother called me telling me to get ready, so after 5 minutes I was in the car going to the gym. ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████



Moon was looking sharp today, with Venus behind. It was snowing a little bit.

We went to the pool today. After swimming for a bit, we finally decided to go to the "hot area", which includes hot tubs kinda stuff.

We went inside the Jacuzzi. It was my first time ever, and it was for sure great to chill after all the anxiety.

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After that we went into Finnish Sauna and then went for some other things I forgot name of. It was really really nice, especially given that I was feeling anxious before.

When we came back from the gym, we found a surprise on our car 🐈 🐾


We didn’t even bother cleaning it. Went to a restaurant after.




Fancy steak presentation. My phone got to 0% battery at this point. Talked more about ██████████████████████, and then I went home. Got onto my computer and ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████


It was snowing at night.

December 27, 2024


I’m so determined to make a million dollars, its kinda comical at this point. My friends and random people probably associate me with a million dollars at this point because I just can’t stop talking about it. Every day I’m trying new things to get closer to it, and I’m slowly but surely succeeding. I’m always certain that I’ll make a million dollars soon.


Wanted to ████████████████████████████████, but brother made me go to gym again. Uguuu, I want to code instead of doing it…


After gym, went to restaurant and ate some yummies.



Then got back home and took a nap.



December 18, 2024

Had to rise Nekoweb prices a little to account for crazy Patreon and Payoneer fees.


Went to gym and ran 4.33km this time. Another high score. Seems like I kinda reached equilibrium at this point, because I can walk/ran for infinite amount of time now without getting exhausted.



I’m unsatisfied with this phone’s camera at all. It’s so bad at night and the app itself is really awful. Pixel’s camera was infinitely better. My next phone is definitely gonna be Pixel, probably 9, because I think that might be the most beautiful phone made in the past 6 years.


Took a nap after got home and then ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████


December 16, 2024

As always, woke up a lot of times during sleep. Seems like when I don’t take any meds I always have constant sleep interruptions.

While sleeping, someone started screaming very loudly and angrily outside. I couldn’t really hear exactly what they were saying, because I was in half asleep half awake state. Eventually I fell asleep again and had a dream that I went to window to look who was screaming and fell down. Luckily there was some building structure just under it and it caught me, and then I managed to get back inside with help of some stranger.

Rainy, windy and cloudy today. Basically perfect weather, although during winter I would prefer it to snow instead. Went to supermarket to buy some groceries, and enjoyed the weather for a while.

After a 2 week break, we went to gym today. Brother was recovering from surgery which is why we didn’t go for so long.

After swimming in the pool we went to a Georgian restaurant and ate some tasty things.


The moon was peeking out from time to time.

I fell asleep when I got home. At night, I felt quite manic but then got tired and went back to bed. It’s still raining and I’m just laying in bed thinking about constant movement of time.

Tags: #dream #out #food

December 6, 2024

While I was making breakfast, brother came over. He recently had a wisdom tooth removed, so he spent a week at the hospital.

Dad called, and he invited us to a restaurant, since it’s an important day for him. I started to prepare while brother went to pick him up. I went outside and it was already dark.


Even though it’s cold, I like to stand in darkness in warm clothes.

We got to the restaurant and got our food.





After the restaurant I went home and fell asleep. Woke up with headache (so common when napping). Fixed some atabook stuff and went back to bed.

November 24, 2024

So tired. Went to visit parents today because of █████████████████. Touched cat after so long.









Then I went home and layed in bed for a long time. Insanely hard to do anything. Managed to finally ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████.

November 18, 2024


Woke up from intercostal neuralgia pain, and had to move around in bed a lot to make it stop. I don’t remember if I fell asleep after or couldn’t sleep anymore, but I only slept 6 hours. Layed in bed and did my usual morning scrolling and Anki, and felt too tired to get up. Got my earphones and played windy forest sounds, and that felt really nice. I imagined myself walking near deserted road with fields around, during windy cloudy weather until I fell asleep for 2 more hours.


Went for a late gym with brother and afterwards went to a ribs restaurant. It was good.


Tags: #photos #food

November 13, 2024

Woke up without anxiety and feeling pretty well. I assume Lyrica works. I went on my website, which I didn’t do for a while, and noticed that it’s snowing now. It’s code I made a while ago, and it’s nice to see it in action. I got up and… it was also snowing outside O_o, kinda a crazy coincidence. I love snow!!! Finally it’s time for winter. I cooked breakfast and then took Zoloft. Well here it goes… my first time with SSRIs, I hope it’ll all be good. By the time this page unlocks for you to read, I’ll already be a month on it.

Went to gym and ran 2.76km on treadmill. Running with earphones feels easier because it’s less boring. After gym went to grill restaurant with brother.




It was nice. Went home and coded ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ Day ended on a sad note.

Tags: #out #food

November 8, 2024

Awful day. ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████


Went to gym today. Was angry, anxious and sad all day. After the gym we went to a restaurant, which was the best part of the day.



Tags: #out #food

November 6, 2024



Went to gym with brother today. After the gym we went to a nearby seafood restaurant and bought a bunch of… seafood.




My brother didn’t like some seafood (mussels) but I liked everything. It was actually the first time when I got to eat non-canned mussels, and they were great.

After that we went home and I continued █████████████████████████████████████


October 29, 2024

Went to gym today and trained legs again. I’m scared to train hands because when I did it, my neuralgia always came back. So I’m probably just gonna continue training only legs.

When I came on treadmill today, my bpm was 120, even without doing anything, while my brother’s was 80. This sucks, I hope it’ll improve over time.

Ate a quaso after gym.


It was nice and rainy outside.



October 24, 2024

Finally bought an infrared heater. It’s so satisfying to be in front of it. For some reason it feels better than normal radiator heating.


Pretty chill day. Did some more commission fixes. ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ Bought the most pizza pizza of my life, just like in all movies and games.


Played a bit of Yume 2kki.


We found some ocean place where you can explore the islands.


One island is particularly guarded, and after getting to it, we found a dungeon with actually pretty cool minigame with puzzles, enemies and a boss! And all of that is still in Yume 2kki. Insane how many things this game has. After beating the boss you get the reward — Menu Theme.


October 14, 2024

Going to hospital soon and will get my guts scanned so I can’t eat today until I get that done. I’ve wanted to get checked at hospital for so long, and it’s finally happening.

Let’s see what I have to complain about:

  • Dark spots at my back
  • Intercostal neuralgia
  • ████████████████████
  • Kyphosis
  • Clubfoot
  • Feet are constantly cold from not enough blood circulation
  • Anxiety
  • Increased heartbeat
  • Check vitamins

Well, I got my stomach checked and got blood analysis. Stomach was fine, and I will know about blood analysis result in 2-3 days. This is gonna be the most detailed analysis of my blood in my entire life. But I wanted to complain to them about other things but she didnt really let me. I hope I’ll be able to the next time…

Since I didn’t eat anything before going there, I was super hungry, and we went to some place and got biggest burgers of our lives. Got so full I felt like I’m gonna die. This is kinda why I don’t really like burgers, they’re messy, they’re fast to eat, and you don’t feel satisfied from eating them. I much more like other food that is slower to eat.


At least the atmosphere of that place was nice, brick walls and Frank Sinatra playing.


There has been so many times when I was in a restaurant and thought to myself "this place would be so much better if there was jazz playing". For some reason almost all restaurants play some modern, unmatching to their atmosphere music, and it’s very annoying.

October 11, 2024

Tried idea with declarative routes a bit more but I realized that it’d only work with ETag disabled in a lot of cases, and it wouldn’t work with if methods are patched, which you can’t really check, so unfortunately it looks like this feature can’t be done. 😔

Brother came over and we started going to the gym, but first went to buy shoes. Saw a cool liminal room:


Today we only went to pool, as we had a free training from a trainer. This was more intense than I expected, and after a hour of training we were quite tired, and decided to go somewhere to eat. There was some place near gym that we were a bit interested in, but we kept being undecideful whether we wanted to go there or not, until we finally decided that we want, but when we went inside it was apparently full. Weirldy that place was serving kinda specific food, and at the same time it was big, so we were surprised that it was actually full.

Went to some other random place instead and got steaks and other stuff:





My brother is always unlucky with what he orders, for some reason his orders are almost always less tasty than mine. We got 2 different steak types and my steak was significantly better.

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