Felt very sad and anxious for the first part of the day. Brother left job early, and came over and told me that we should go to gym today. I didn’t sleep enough, so I was really sleepy and told him that I’m gonna sleep more and we should go at our usual time.
Then he went out to do whatever he needed to do, while I did my usual morning routine (and didn’t sleep since), and then got up and started my day.
Continued being sad for the most part. At 6 PM brother called me telling me to get ready, so after 5 minutes I was in the car going to the gym. ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

Moon was looking sharp today, with Venus behind. It was snowing a little bit.
We went to the pool today. After swimming for a bit, we finally decided to go to the "hot area", which includes hot tubs kinda stuff.
We went inside the Jacuzzi. It was my first time ever, and it was for sure great to chill after all the anxiety.

After that we went into Finnish Sauna and then went for some other things I forgot name of. It was really really nice, especially given that I was feeling anxious before.
When we came back from the gym, we found a surprise on our car 🐈 🐾

We didn’t even bother cleaning it. Went to a restaurant after.

Fancy steak presentation. My phone got to 0% battery at this point. Talked more about ██████████████████████, and then I went home. Got onto my computer and ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
It was snowing at night.