Diary · #food · Page 3

October 7, 2024

Didn’t do anything in the first half of the day. Went to gym today, and got to took a better look at the fields:



I really like it when dense city suddenly turns into fields without any suburbs.

We got too tired after gym to go to the pool…



Went home and fell asleep until 1:30 AM. ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

October 3, 2024

We finally went to gym, for real this time!

Before going inside, I looked around the parking lot and realized that gym is at the edge of the city. Dense city simply ends and suddenly it’s just endless fields… Which I find so dear and which keep calling me to come to them.


But I had to resist and we had to finally get inside. We got a free training with personal trainer for the first visit, so he showed us around and told us about some gym things and showed us how to use them. In general, I wanted to go to gym simply because I’m very sedantary and not super fit. I’m not really interested in big muscles and stuff, I just want to start moving more and burn some belly fat.

After doing some muscle training with trainer, we went on a treadmill. When you hold onto it’s iron things, it measures your heartbeat and it was already 130bpm for me, while 90bpm for my brother, which made me quite worried. During most intense running it went up to 170bpm, even though I wasn’t even running 🫣

I googled what’s a good heart rate during running and it said that 170 bpm is already upper limit and that’s usually during running. I think this just indicates how terribly sedantary I am if not even running made my heart rate so high, which is actually scary. Hopefully it’ll improve over time.

After we were done with gym I got another look at the fields and the road going out from city started glowing beautifully.



Brother started driving me home but proposed to maybe go somewhere to eat, but he needed to pick up his girlfriend. He persuaded me to have a dinner with them. It was a tiny bit awkward, since it’s the largest amount of time I ever spent with her around. But the food was nice. We ordered a pizza for everyone (and it was one of the best, or maybe the best pizza I ever had), I got tom yang, they got carbonara and bolognese.




After that I got driven home, and coded a ton of UltimateWS. It’s actually like 65% done now.

September 27, 2024

Making Nekoweb use uExpress revealed a bunch of bugs, so I spent the morning fixing the reported stuff while I was asleep.

Today we went to buy sport clothes with brother. Bought 2 t-shirts, shorts and shoes.


In 1 of the shops there was this escalator, and it’s the steepest and fastest escalator I’ve ever been on in my life. I genuinely almost fell while using it, it’s actually dangerous!


After buying clothes we went to sushi place.


Had a nice talk and then went home. When I came home I’ve noticed that energy drinks were back, looks like roommate actually bought them back, so that’s nice.

Continued coding uExpress at home. Fixed more bugs, tried async etag generation (fail), finalized some stuff. Looks like it’s truly done now, I don’t know what else there could be to add. Apart from WebSocket upgrade support, but that’ll need a separate library. Maybe I’ll start writing it tomorrow.

During night read some mangas (rare!) and added some more security stuff to Nekoweb.

September 24, 2024

Started coding commission today, and did about half of the work. Finally aligned my monitors! They always were unaligned, left one being much lower. Maybe this will help with neck pain. After coding got tired and my stomach started to hurt, so I went to bed and napped for a hour. My brother called me saying he’ll come and we’ll check out gyms in the city.

We went to the cheaper gym first, which was fine, but kinda small and crowded. After that we went to much, much larger and premium gym and it was super cool, and also had a pool too. After that we went to a cafe nearby to talk and decide where to go.


We’ve decided to go to the more expensive gym because of the discount, but when we came to ask about it, she said the price was already with discount. But the thing is, discount was given by some lottery wheel thingy on their site, and she couldn’t really know that we got it. So she either lied or the thing on site was just fake. We got very disappointed and the price without discount felt too much so we left. Very scammy practice.

After I came home I continued to code commission and finished it!

Played more Yume 2kki today. For the most part, pretty fruitless exploration today. As we were getting ready to leave, I got Mirror Room event and got into place with view on Twin Peaks.


Unexpectedly, there was a person there. Usually when I meet people in Yume 2kki they are either AFK or just silent, but they actually talked first. We had a small little chat and they proposed to walk me to the Rainy Apartments, which I heard of before but never been to. After some hesistatation I agreed, and our long, long journey begun. I already was pretty sleepy by this point, but it was one of the most beautiful paths I’ve seen in this game.

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After meeting Hatsune Miku in Virtual City, we finally got to Rainy Apartments. No wonder they’re such a popular location, they’re definitely on level of Sewers and Secret Society. I love rainy places so much…





It was the end of our journey for today. It’s so weird to think that if random event didn’t happen, I wouldn’t meet this person and wouldn’t ever get guided to see this place. I’m so glad that it happened.

September 23, 2024

It’s unbearable to use computer at day — the sun shines too brightly. I often just spend the time in my bed waiting for it to go away.

Decided to meet brother today, and we went outside to eat and walk around.


Pretty cozy place, I really like the brick wall and lamps on the tree. We both ordered ramen:


After talking and eating food we went to shop and I bought cat socks and some cosmetics.


Another cool brick wall. I’m a big fan of these.

Maybe I’ll start going to gym soon. I have a very sedantary way of life, and I can feel my body feeling tired and bad constantly. I also want to get full medical checkup. While talking about that with brother, he told that we should probably make our dad also get one. Brother came home and talked with dad about it and he surprisingly agreed, so I guess we’ll arrange that soon.


September 20, 2024

Very frustrating day of coding. Had to fix a huge amount of random routing issues and bugs. Implemented If-Range header and options for Router(). There wasn’t that much progress today because of these random bugs that took hours to fix. ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

Brother visited me today, we talked a little, but there wasn’t really anything interesting in that. Cooked khinkali:


August 31, 2024

Had a very long dream that I was in Yume 2kki, which was very, very cool. I always wanted to be inside such dreamy locations. ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

Went outside to withdraw money for rent. Got carbonara for breakfast.


Rested in the park.


I thought that anime shop has closed forever, but nope! I was just always unlucky with timing. I bought some cool things:

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Updated diary to support multiple image uploads and zoom (image viewer) on all images.

Been kinda researching how other VPNs work, seems like they just use WireGuard under the hood. Maybe I should just use that too, since it has clients for every OS.

Played Yume 2kki again at the end of the day. Drank kiwi Ramune, and it actually has quite a mild flavor. I expected it to be super saturated or something, I’m not sure if I’m disappointed or not.


August 27, 2024

Just like yesterday, it’s extremely hot today. And weather forecast is saying that it’ll be hot literally every single day that’s available (10 days).

I think summer is my least favorite season. I really enjoy nature, but the heat and bugs are so annoying it drags down the whole experience to the bottom.


Roommate asked me to go outside for a hour for some reason, so I went to the park. I’ve noticed that today I have really bad vision for some reason. I have myopia, and it varies a lot. Like between 2 times worse and better. It made it kind of hard to find good places to photo.


I sat on a bench and zoned out for about 30 minutes, listening to the birds playing in the trees.

After that I started walking around, searching for a place to eat.


Cozy, but I decided to not go in there.


"You look hungry, I can fix that"
I really liked this neon sign, and I wanted to go here, but it was full. 😔

Stopped in a more boring place, and ordered Tom Yang Kung, which I really liked last time.


Then I went home.


████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ Finally added an option to see people who’s last tweet is a retweet or a quote tweet in OldTwitter. This should make it easier to filter out boring accounts.

August 25, 2024


Started Japanese grammar Anki deck today. I realized that I know quite a lot of words (about 1500) but I barely know grammar. It’s finally time to catch up.

Apparently today is the █████████████████, so there’s a lot of celebrations in city’s centre.

My parents called me and asked me if I wanted to come with them to city’s centre, which I agreed. █████████████████████████████, which immediately ruined the entire walk for me.

We went to park and there was some singer, but we didn’t really like their songs much so we went to walk some more around the water. After that we went to city square and I bought belgium waffle and lemonades. I didn’t like both much :( Lemonade basically tasted like normal water, and I don’t really like sweet things that much, especially hot ones, so I didn’t really enjoy the waffle.


After that we went back to park and there were new singers, which we liked much more. They were singing and letting the crowd sing with them, so it was quite fun (and I sang a bit too).


Then we talked a bit and mom kept saying that she wants to go somewhere to eat, and I would come with them and pay for it, but because ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████, so I just said that I wanna go home. Then we parted ways.

At the end of the day I finally basically finished Diary! Only nice lamp effect is left. I imported all of the entries and just continuing to write rn. Cool.

August 23, 2024

Yesterday I saw an announcement for a giveaway for free pizza up to 10€ if you buy it with █████████████ debit card and post a photo of it in the comments, and I checked the comments and there was barely any photos there so I ordered 2 pizzas, which barely came in time before giveaway closed (literally 10 minutes left). And they DMed me telling me I won, nice!

The odds were basically 100% for winning so I just got free food today :)


Later today someone did some abuse on Nekoweb, and when I checked their IP I saw that they were using Cloudflare IP. I just thought that it was Cloudflare’s VPN, and checked on proxy checker and it wasn’t detected. I reported this to them and they said that this IP is actually marked on Cloudflare as reverse-proxy only, which made me really confused. I thought that this is a bug with me reading IP from wrong header, but it seems to be all right. So it’s either:

  • Cloudflare is lying and this IP is actually used in their VPN
  • ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

I highly doubt it’s the second one.

I still don’t know what exactly happened, so I added more logs so I can actually █████████████████████ in the future.

The coincidence has occured again and took 1 day.

Spent last part of the day manic as hell! Feeling really plasma 🍓 I really gotta pick up my pace coding the diary, I’m doing like 1 feature per day.

Tags: #food

August 14, 2024

██████████████████████████ 😔

I’ve been doing nothing and then my brother called and told me that he’s coming over in a few hours. In mean time roommate came home and went into his room. Then my brother came over and visited roommate, but he wasn’t very talkative (even though they’re best friends) so we decided to go outside to a restaurant. My brother has a bike and we used it to get there.


We got to a pretty fancy restaurant and I ordered Tom Yang Kung, which I always wanted to try. I think that trying out food for the first time should always happen in best restaurants ever so you can actually taste how it should be at it’s peak. Because if you’ll have first bad experience you’ll probably say "I don’t like [food name]" for the rest of your life, even though you just got a bad version of it.

We talked about roommate a bit, apparently when he was supposed to run away, he actually went quite far (to Dnipro) but then he got into car accident and had to comeback. My brother said that he almost completely stopped talking to him and avoids him for some reason, and says that he seems to be suffering from depression. My brother has been trying to offer help and was nice to him but he seems to dismiss all of that. Because I almost never talk with my roommate, I don’t really feel anything about this situation, he’s still basically a stranger to me.

Then we talked about my current situation, and after that he told about his trip to Carpathians, in which he climbed the Hoverla, the highest mountain in Ukraine. The food was great. I ordered Tom Yang Kung and a steak while he ordered sushi.

photo photo

After a long chat and eating the food we had to start going because brother had to pick someone up.

photo Bikes are scary and cool.

Overall this was really nice. I really, really want to go outside more. Ever since this all happened my life kinda feels like it’s on pause. I can’t go outside much, and I can’t really do anything without thinking that it’s all pointless. I bought all these electronics thinking I’d spent this entire summer building some cool things, and just after I built my first actually useful thing (thermometer) this all happened… And after that I stopped doing any electrical stuff because it feels really pointless given ███████████████████████████████


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