Woke up without anxiety and feeling pretty well. I assume Lyrica works. I went on my website, which I didn’t do for a while, and noticed that it’s snowing now. It’s code I made a while ago, and it’s nice to see it in action. I got up and… it was also snowing outside O_o, kinda a crazy coincidence. I love snow!!! Finally it’s time for winter. I cooked breakfast and then took Zoloft. Well here it goes… my first time with SSRIs, I hope it’ll all be good. By the time this page unlocks for you to read, I’ll already be a month on it.
Went to gym and ran 2.76km on treadmill. Running with earphones feels easier because it’s less boring. After gym went to grill restaurant with brother.
It was nice. Went home and coded ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ Day ended on a sad note.