Started coding UltimateWS today. I was wondering if I should first finish UltimateWS before publicly publishing UltimateExpress, but I’ve decided that it’d be kinda weird to make 2 announcements at once, so today I actually published Ultimate Express. Honestly, I expected more reaction and interest. While I did get about 50 stars, I don’t think it’s a very good result and I feel a bit disappointed about it. Hopefully it’ll grow more eventually.

It’s been a nice rainy day, all day. I’ve been enjoying rain sounds for a while, and decided to go outside and feel rain on myself. I got winter clothes and went outside, and stood in the rain for a while. I love the feeling of being protected from rain by clothes. If I had a comfortable spot, I would probably just sit down and spend hours just sitting under rain, while hiding in my clothes fully. Clothes that fully cover me and allow me to get inside them are so cozy…
