Making Nekoweb use uExpress revealed a bunch of bugs, so I spent the morning fixing the reported stuff while I was asleep.

Today we went to buy sport clothes with brother. Bought 2 t-shirts, shorts and shoes.


In 1 of the shops there was this escalator, and it’s the steepest and fastest escalator I’ve ever been on in my life. I genuinely almost fell while using it, it’s actually dangerous!


After buying clothes we went to sushi place.


Had a nice talk and then went home. When I came home I’ve noticed that energy drinks were back, looks like roommate actually bought them back, so that’s nice.

Continued coding uExpress at home. Fixed more bugs, tried async etag generation (fail), finalized some stuff. Looks like it’s truly done now, I don’t know what else there could be to add. Apart from WebSocket upgrade support, but that’ll need a separate library. Maybe I’ll start writing it tomorrow.

During night read some mangas (rare!) and added some more security stuff to Nekoweb.