We were traveling through the USA when we stopped at a strange, deserted gas station. It had a weird minigame: after paying for gas, you earned a «gift point» and could throw a disk at a cassette stand. Whatever cassette you hit, you could take with yourself. The person working there warned us only to play if we had gift points.
After I paid for gas, I gave it a try and ended up with some unremarkable cassette I didn’t pay much attention to. Then, for some reason, my friend decided to throw a disk too, even though he hadn’t bought any gas.
As he threw it, I noticed that the spot he was aiming for held these strange, empty-gray cassettes. I yelled for him to stop, but it was too late. As the disk sailed toward the stand and my friend realized something was wrong, he closed his eyes, trying to not see what he had hit.
The moment the disk struck one of the gray cassettes, he was violently pulled toward the stand with a huge force. In the impact, it seemed like he glimpsed what cassette he had gotten, but before I could reach him, he simply vanished — gone without a trace.
I was hit with a sudden wave of anxiety — and then I woke up. I was not able to sleep for a while after, despite only sleeping for 3 hours.
It’s really weird because before this, it was a pretty long and uneventful dream and I had been travelling with him for a while in it.
Law got accepted!!! Now just needs to be signed by president!
Haven’t really done anything productive today. Went to gym and finally went to pool for the first time. When going to gym I realized that my intercostal neuralgia is almost definitely caused by physical activity / muscle growth in chest. I was suspecting this years ago, and now when I didn’t have any pain for months and suddenly having it exactly when started going to gym just proves it. I told this my brother any finally I signed up to get medical check-up at hospital.

Got really tired after gym and pool. Read SCP-8980, and just… wow. This is the most fucked up thing I’ve read in SCP so far. And I’ve never even seen content warnings in SCP before, it was this bad. But the story and writing itself is amazing.