I think I’m getting sick of coding this thing now. Now coding it is not fun but constantly frustrating. I have finally finished the last thing in the compatibility list and started testing it on my real projects, with first one being Diary. It couldn’t start at all for some reason, and apparently I needed to make sure port is a number. Then for some reason assets kept sending 404’s, and that was due to bad handling of conditionals. After I implemented If-Modified-Since properly it fully worked with no issues! Diary can use uExpress fully.

Then moved onto Nekoweb. Immediately there was some issue with routing, request was replied twice. After some terrible debugging session (uWS fucking removes stack trace!!!) I managed to fix it. But now I’m stuck at weird issue with express-fileupload, it just doesn’t write anything into file and often hangs forever, and I’m not sure why it’s happening. So frustrating. I also realized that my solution with skip keys is actually terrible, Nekoweb has a ton of middlewares on each endpoint, but with my way it has to go through every single one when it could only check pattern once, so I’ll have to recode that as well.