
Started Japanese grammar Anki deck today. I realized that I know quite a lot of words (about 1500) but I barely know grammar. It’s finally time to catch up.

Apparently today is the █████████████████, so there’s a lot of celebrations in city’s centre.

My parents called me and asked me if I wanted to come with them to city’s centre, which I agreed. █████████████████████████████, which immediately ruined the entire walk for me.

We went to park and there was some singer, but we didn’t really like their songs much so we went to walk some more around the water. After that we went to city square and I bought belgium waffle and lemonades. I didn’t like both much :( Lemonade basically tasted like normal water, and I don’t really like sweet things that much, especially hot ones, so I didn’t really enjoy the waffle.


After that we went back to park and there were new singers, which we liked much more. They were singing and letting the crowd sing with them, so it was quite fun (and I sang a bit too).


Then we talked a bit and mom kept saying that she wants to go somewhere to eat, and I would come with them and pay for it, but because ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████, so I just said that I wanna go home. Then we parted ways.

At the end of the day I finally basically finished Diary! Only nice lamp effect is left. I imported all of the entries and just continuing to write rn. Cool.