I’m really dissatisfied with my writing. Something is missing in it, it’s bland and unnatural, unlike other things I’m reading. Of course, English is not my first language and it might be normal that I’m not the best at writing in it, but still, I want to be better. I want to try writing a diary. Like any others, I’m almost definitely gonna abandon i a few days… or even a day. Worth a try though.

I think the key to actually continuing writing a diary is writing things you’re actually interested in. But for some reason, I feel like there’s always someone’s reading and judging me, even if I’m writing this just for myself. Maybe I’ll share these for everyone to see in the future, I’m still not sure how public I want to be with this.

Now that prelude is done, time to talk more about actual day.

2 days ago my brother called me and said that my roommate is going to run away and start a new life. I didn’t really pay attention to it, and thought that with 99% chance he’ll be back, but it’s been 2 days and I’m still alone. And I’m glad. It’s not like he’s a bad person or anything, I just can’t do anything when someone else is looking at me, this means I can’t go outside to eat, drink water, go outside, anything while he’s in the main room of the apartment. The only thing I’m worried about is that if I’ll stay here I’ll need to pay electricity bills and I have no idea how to do that. ███████████████████████ it won’t matter, so we’ll see how it goes.

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Today was a pretty useless day. Woke up, and fixed OldTweetDeck and OldTwitter retweet issue. Finished watching Night in the Woods. Man, it’s such a good game. The locations there just hit me so hard, they’re incredibly niche and weird, but it feels like creators had the same interests and feelings as I do, and it never feels like anyone understands how deeply they resonate with me. The fields and electrical towers in the background, endless parking lot, power grids, roofs. It’s all just so dear to me, I feel like playing this game so long ago really shaped me into who I am today. Living in the fields and Rain World speaking of them too only strengthened the love.


I think I’m done with writing for today, hopefully I’ll be back tomorrow.
